Thursday, October 23, 2008

Blue Eyes

Right now Hunter's eyes are a pretty blue. I don't have high hopes that they will last since Gracie's were blue for a while too. But I will enjoy them while they are here. It would be nice to think I gave my children something else besides their tempers.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One Month

On friday October 10th Hunter went to the doctor's office for his one month checkup. He weighs 9lbs 2oz and he is 21 inches long. He is growing quickly and he is so active. He is staying awake much more during the day. He has the cutest smile. We only see it occasionally but it is worth waiting for.

Gumdrop and Peaches

We went to the Westwego's Farmer's Market. Gracie made two new friends while we were there. She had no fear and was so happy. Of course now she would like one as a pet.

She is learning so much at school. She loves to come home and "be-tend" she is the teacher. I wonder where she gets that from.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Big Sister

Gracie has taken a sudden interest in her baby brother. Nothing will make your heart stop more than these words "look Mom I am holding Hunter." But he is completely comfortable in her arms.


Letter of the week last week was E. E is for elephant and eggs. Green eggs and ham that is.


I discovered recently that my son has froglegs. And no they do not taste like chicken.

C is for Cooking or Cupcake

Gracie and I made some Halloween Cupcakes on Sunday. She had so much fun and was so proud of them. Yesterday she gave one to Lily and said here I made these myself.

Hunter Joe

It is good to know someone is sleeping in this house.

Hunter and Jasmine

Everyone worries about how the dog is adjusting to the baby. This should clear up any concerns.