Saturday, June 14, 2008

Father's Day

Each year I make a slideshow for Rickie. It is a great way to look at the memories of the past year.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dance Recital

First was the hair. Kay fixed her hair very pretty and curly. She was very excited. Her first number was ballet. I was very nervous because she said the costume was scratchy. But she did great. She yawned twice so I guess she was sleepy. Then the second number was tap and she wore my favorite pink costume. She danced again and became fascinated with her hands. She was excited to get her flowers and toys for being such a big girl.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Dancing Awards

Here are some pictures from Gracie's dancing award ceremony. She received a perfect attendance pin, a participation certificate, and two trophies. One trophy was for selling candy. We have no idea what the other one was for but she was happy.


The bearable thing about summers in LA is that you can start swimming in May.