Scrapfreak offers challenges each week. This is the first blog challenge for the year.
1. Will you be looking for a new job? No I will be looking for a Sugar Daddy.
2. What will you do different in '08? I will relax. And be patient.
3. New Year's Resolution(s)?Eat healthy, and stay organized.
4. Any trips planned? Cruise in February and Gulfshores AL in August
5. Wedding plans? I hope not.
6. Baby plans? I hope so. But see the being patient thing above.
7. Major thing on your calendar? Baby Logan's birth on March 6th. Gracie starting school in August.
8. What can't you wait for? the end of school
9. What would you like to see happen different? the end of the writer's strike, (jk) I would like to see us be more careful about our spending.
10. What about yourself will you be changing? I will have more patience and I will lose weight.
11. What happened in '07 that you didn’t think would ever happen? I hated going to work.
12. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I can't be any nicer.
13. Will you dress differently in '08 than you did in '07? Yes my clothes will be a smaller size.
14. Will you better your relationship with your family? Sure
15. Will you do volunteer work? No probably not
16. Do you expect '08 to be a good year for you? Yep
17. How much did you change from this time last year til now? I am not sure.
18. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? yep unless they make me mad (jk)
19. Major lifestyle changes? I might eat fruit every now and then.
20. Will you be moving? nope
21. What will you make sure doesn't happen in '08 that happened in '07? I will take more time for myself.