Thursday, July 12, 2007

Independence Day

For the Fourth we stayed home most of the day and relaxed.

We did go watch the fireworks that night by the fire station. Gracie called them fire and Lily called them pop pop. The best thing was when they started dancing together. I love that they are starting to really enjoy playing with each other. Of course the rule of monkey see monkey do always applies.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I Can Sleep Anywhere

Gracie can fall asleep anywhere. And the funniest thing is she can do it at anytime. One minute she is playing and the next she is sleeping. These are some of the odd places or positions she has fallen asleep in the last few weeks.

On Saturday we rearranged her room a bit. When she walked in her response was "where am I". I guess she thought this was where her bed belonged.

This was behind my recliner. She was chasing after the puppy and I guess she needed a break.

This was the day we babysat Ryder. I went to put him down and came back to her knocked out on the floor. The funniest thing is that she used her nightgown for her pillow.

This picture is how she fell asleep yesterday. She was playing and put her head down. The next second she was asleep.

The Aquarium

Last week we went to the Aquarium. Gracie was scared of the big fish. And she really didn't like the sting rays. She did love the sea turtle and clown fish. Of course this was because she thought they were Crush and Nemo.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Swimming Lessons

For two weeks in June Gracie attended swimming lessons. She loves the water but she did not enjoy lessons as much. This was because she doesn't like anyone making her do things. She didn't like when they held her head back to float or made her put her arms above her head. However, in Gammy's pool she loves to swim. I can tell that she learned a lot. We will try again next year.