Thursday, May 31, 2007

Chuck E Cheese

On Wednesday Gracie went to see the rat for the first time. She had to test drive everything with a steering wheel and sit on the rides. She didn't like when the rides started talking to her. I guess Chucke's voice was too whiny for her. She loved the pizza though.

Time Out

On Tuesday Gracie kept putting her bears in time out under the kitchen table. Next she told her Maw Maw to get in time out too. Before I knew it they were all under the table in time out including Gracie and the dog.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Take A Bath

My mom bought Gracie this fun wading pool. So yesterday her and Baylee got in to play. The water was freezing but it didn't stop them or Jasmine. When it was time to come in Gracie screamed and cried because she wanted to go "take a bath".

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Last week we went swimming by Gammy's. This was Gracie swimming with her floaties. When she realized she was by herself she would call out HELP HELP.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The first swim

Lately the weather has been very hot. We didn't skip a chance to go swimming for the first time this summer.

The Four Wheeler

In Raceland Gracie got to experience her first ride on a 4-wheeler. She was hooked from the start. Lily soon joined in. They were too cute sitting on their new toy.

Mother's Day

Gracie and I on Sunday morning. Being a mom and a wife are my most favorite things in the world.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Since Gracie will probably only have one more sibling I am glad she has her cousins to be close too. They fight like real sisters and it is my hope that they are close and love each other like sisters. The blonde is Lily and she is my godchild, Rickie's sister's baby. She is 6 months younger than Gracie. And the brunette is Emma, my brother's baby. She is 15 months older than Gracie.